Saturday 18 May 2013

Studio Character Concept

Unrelated to my animation paper I have also somehow managed to find the time to concept out my character for my studio animation. I wanted to create a character with a lot of personality. And since the theme of the cartoon was medieval I figured the best way to do this was to use a prisoner. I wanted to portray a deranged prisoner who has been in the same cell his whole life and has a few screws loose. In fact, hes completely stark raving mad. I wanted him to look anemic and skinny from being mistreated  To do this I created a collage of images that I used as reference to inspire the look of the character. As disgusted as I was to look at images from the holocaust I still found them useful to generate ideas of anatomy for a person who has been abused and starved. I also found it very usefull to constantly refer back to the la luna cartoon imagery to make sure I was modelling the character to fit into with the other characters. I noticed from pictures that there is a lot of exaggeration in the cartoon and I used this fact to play a lot with the design. I extended the limbs and sucked in the belly to really get across the message that this character has been starved his whole life.

I still need to texture and retopologize for animation friendly geometry but these tasks are more time consuming rather than creative. My favorite -_-.

Here is what I came up with. (it is no where near finished detail wise but its pretty close, I still need to add features such as the hair, beard, wrinkles, and mud. He will look VERY unkempt I assure you.)

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