Tuesday 7 May 2013

More sculpting

Here is a concept sculpt I made in my spare time, using techniques learnt from my previous sculpts. I think that developing the face before anything else on the body is a great workflow because it is the main feature that determines the attitude and personality more than anything. The rest of the body can follow if the face is suitable for the idea in my head. Once again I focused mainly on the WORLD that this character existed in when sculpting as it enabled me to visualize the mood far better. Another positive feature of sculpting the head first is because the character will be covered in clothes and there is no need to sculpt the body as this will ultimately be covered up. This is a workflow that I will definitely be using more in detailed sculpts. This was a project for studio however I really want to include this in some kind of animation, possible for a short story and include the character in my animation paper. I know this is frowned upon but why not re use some assets. Time is a major factor in all CG productions and by doing this I will be able to cut weeks off. 

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