Monday 6 May 2013

Animation Post (late I know)

Ok, so ive been bashing away at a few projects in the recent months and they have gone wonderfully. My reason as to why this is my first animation post because I wanted to wait for my skill and idea to increase to a point where I could produce something id consider to be acceptable.

The first Idea I had was to create some kind of board game recreation of a battlefield that had come to life. Where toy soldiers were fighting each other from different countries to represent conflict between eachother and how human kind was slowly killing itself through war, pollution etc. I imagined God looking down on the earth in disgust and drops a bomb down from the sky on earth, obliterating human kind. The earth would look charred and burnt but still, a single plant rises from the ashes. I don't know why but this idea is very suiting to the theme of creating the creator. The creator destroys the creators of the creator, who starts the world over. I could go on haha. As much as I love this idea and would love to produce it but I literally have just realized I have 6 weeks to create something amazing on top of studio and my other elective. So I am SLIGHTLY changing my plans.

After a conversation with TJ I had an epiphany. I would EXPAND the field of play from a planet to the universe. TJ was discussing his idea of a game based in space and it reminded me of just how much I love space. It has actually been my dream to make a film of ANY kind based in space. Watching every space doco ever made in the past 10 years will do that to you. Something about it just strikes me as eerie and mystical. I think those could bring a huge flare to my project and change it for the better while at the same time reducing the amount of work needed because in space most objects are very easily modeled such as planets, suns and space ships, however I will probably want to add a lot of extra detail.

For this idea, in my head I imagine hundreds of human space ships. Blasting away from earth in all directions in search of a new home planet because earth has died due to abuse from humans. They all find different home planet to inhabit however every single planet seems to get destroyed by the human race in its future. Humans spread like a bacteria all over the universe destroying everything they touch. I love this idea because the universe created us and yet we are destroying our creator slowly. Its like we are a plague to the universe. Its all dark and dreery I know. But I love it the whole idea and symbolism behind everything.

Now its time to create some story boards...

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