Thursday 29 September 2011


Yesterday we were given our next assignment which i feel is going to bring a lot of our skills that we have learnt over the past year into use.In my group I have Supa, Josh, Jo, TJ and myself. On the first day of brainstorming we explored many ideas however we continuously hit brick walls with our ideas as we did not have a proper grasp on what we were being asked to create. We were focusing on recreating games into real life, and this was our problem, we were not concentrating on generating an experience rather than a game. We are all gamers at heart so we struggled to break though the barriers that were holding us back. We all had a perception of a game as something with a start and an end with activities in between. But after our talk with Maggie we quickly realized that we had been following the complete wrong route. She told us to go out and explore the assigned area for us to work in. We walked around the block and we simply just could not see anything interesting for us to work with. We came back to discuss this with Maggie and we soon came to realize that we could play with the fact that there was nothing interesting. We realized that we needed to use this to our advantage. Perhaps we could change the environment to change peoples perception of it. We looked at the empty boring street that runs beside the library and thought it was rather boring. However after much discussion we figured that we would explore the possibility of how this area changes during the night. Instead of being a boring street we could slowly turn it into a crime scene. Peoples perception of this "safe" street would drastically change, generating, and making aware a completely new reality. And this, was how our idea was born..

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