Sunday 25 September 2011

Really getting sick of this.

Ok, so I have all the materials needed as I found some more scraps I could use. However, both the rapid prototyping lab and the 3d labs lazer cutter are unusable on the last day before the project is due, really really not happy about this. I've been trying to get my illustrator designs printed non stop for a week now and have been unable to gain proper uninterrupted time on any lazer cutter. I dont know why but there was no one in the prototyping lab, whats worse is that I left all my materials inside and there's no one who can open the door. I also talked to the head technician of the 3d labs and he informed me that the lazer cutter there was malfunctioning and probably would not be usable in the next week or so. I really am not sure what to do here, its too late to change my entire design. I feel as though I have not had proper access to any facilities that I was promised.

I really need to talk to James but he is doing interviews so that is out of the question, I hope he can understand my predicament. I think tonight I will go away and make a 3D model on solid works or pro engineer to show what I have been meaning to make. However, my designs will not be transferable to this program as they will be far too complex.I will however be able to show the overall shape and operation of my device.

If I am given more time to wait for the printers to be back up and running I could very easily print out my case. The illustrator documents have been ready for over a week now.

I am searching around for a commercial printer to use but it will cost far too much to accomplish what I want to achieve.

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