Monday 29 April 2013


It was time to head into nuke and experiment with my render passes. This program is great for creativity because what you render out from maya is always completely changable in most cases. Lights, colors etc can all be changed in post. Another thing about this program which I have learnt is the fact that the scene can never be perfected enough. You could spend an eternity adding in details to make it perfect. Its just a matter of time. I admit that this project has been late to hand in because of this. But due to uni holidays I decided that I would rather spend a little bit more time on it.

I am also a terrible programmer by nature, however I found this to be a lot more intuitive to me. I really opened my eyes to how much work is actually done in post to bring about true detail.

Here is my Nuke tree showing the process I went though in order to embed the animation within my video footage.

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