Wednesday 26 September 2012

Insane Workload.

I think we should definitely have thought more about what roles were assigned to people. Im unsure of what everyone else is doing. The only people in the group with a solid role is myself and Tim. It seems every time I come into uni people are just doing their own thing instead of focusing on the project and hacking away at things which really need to be done. I keep coming into uni and seeing conceptual drawings being done by other members in the group but it is far too late to keep producing them. I think the group needs to focus on the final product and stop drowning in concepts. I keep saying that we need to actually start producing items which are going to be USED in the final presentation. Such as the animation cut scene at the start of the game. I'm becoming increasingly frustrated when team members play games during studio time where I'm working my ass off all day everyday till 2am trying to learn Maya. This seems to be an everyday thing and I cant stand it any more especially since we have so much to do in so little time. I know that with only 2 people on the technical side of the game we are going to bare the brunt of the majority of the workload. With that said I am getting a lot of work done and I am now fairly fluent with Maya.

This also bring up an important issue that I am having. Because I am working so hard to learn this program it does not really allow me get too involved in the conceptual side of the project which worries me. We agreed at the start that we would have people dedicated to sorting out the story but it has just taken far too long to get a clear idea as to what exactly I need to model and animate because things keep changing. I wish I could partake more in the conceptual side of things but with 5 people in the group things are just getting way to complicated. In a way I am glad that I have a concrete role in the group because I know exactly what I need to do for the day when I wake up in the mornings. There's no "wondering where to go from here" thoughts which is absolutely great.

I  think from now on I will just work from home as I just get far too distracted at BCT, its not a good environment for me to work in especially modelling on a small laptop. I haven't been to uni in a week and I have accomplished more than I have in the entire semester.

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