Sunday 30 September 2012

Evil Baby Character

Ok so for the past few days I've been conceptualising my evil baby character and trying to model him. I've looked at many images but the main one which really stood out and inspired me was one I found from deviant art:

After finding a nice orthographic picture of a baby on-line I decided to use it as a base for the character giving it an over exaggerated look to the character with a huge head and small body. I did this because i did not want to fall into the same trap as I did before in making realistic models. It only made life hard especially when using low poly geometry modelling. I figured that since the baby wont be focused on as much as the main character it wouldn't be necessary to have as much detail in the model. Learning from my prior mistakes I realised that I should base most of the detail of the UV maps instead of the model itself. There will be large amounts of babies on the screen at the same time when the game in complete so this also emphasised the point that it did not have to be very very detailed. As long as there was enough geometry in the joints to move and animate I was happy.

As for the texture I chose a nice flaky effect with gave the baby a zombie like appearance mixing dark colours and blood together. I contrasted this with the colours of the nappies to give it a strong aura about the character. It looks scary but at the same time cute. Ultimately I am extremely happy with the final outcome. Instead of painting I primarily used pre-made textures that I overlayed on top of each other to give the desired effect.

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