Thursday 6 October 2011

More development of the story.

Yesterday we tried to set  our story in concrete. The back story is that New Zealand is sending more troops to Iraq  to fight the war on terror, despite the astounding amount of protest against it. In retaliation, terrorist have planted a bomb somewhere in the city in close proximity to the WT building. The government has found out about the bomb and has chosen to do nothing about it because it wants to win over the support of the protesters. The government did this because america promised our country a portion of the oil supply. An agent who went rouge has discovered this information and has tried to find and defuse to  the bomb. HOWEVER, the government has found and killed this agent. Aware of this impending death, he has dispersed his research throughout the area for players to find and decode where the bomb is. The government may know about the bomb, but they do not know where the bomb is. They will stop at nothing to prevent us from finding the bomb. At the specific locations that players will be lead to will also be classified documents that have been stolen from the government that give the background story of what has been going on.

To create an authentic feel I want to place all documents in classified folders like this one.

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