Tuesday 25 October 2011


It seems as though the work is getting a little one sided, I feel as though the group isnt doing as much as they should be as a whole. I felt that at the rate we were going nothing was going to get done so I had to step up and get the ball rolling for everyone. However the deadline is very close and we really need to get everything sorted. We finally have a solid framework to work around. All we need to do is make the clues/props and set up the opening crime scene. There has not been much blog work after the last post quite honestly because I have been so swamped with doing the work for the project. There has been quite simply too many things to even blog about. For example, the CD case, the emails, the story, setting up, filling gaps etc. A lot of this work fell on me to complete as I had the most solid grasp of what we were actually doing with the game. I did try my best to keep my journal and blog up to date, but eventually the workload just took over. Near the end of the game it was more a stage where we had to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

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