Saturday 27 October 2012

The Formative Presentation Feedback

Basically what was said about our project is exactly what I had expected. I felt as though we had trailed off a bit on the project and we needed to get back on track. It was stated that we needed to not only make the game itself but also test out our theories and experiment with what we had produced to improve upon game mechanics for the means of story telling. I fear that in our time frame this will not be accomplished as we are still working on implementing the features within the game. I also don't think  the tutors had a good idea of how the game looked overall, they didnt really see my contribution at all. We just flicked passed the renders of the 3d models I had done. Not to worry, they will be seen in the game! (granted the time frame they were not able to actually play though the entire game) hopefully their concerns will be addressed on the final presentation.

In regards to actually interpreting the game and improving upon it. Perhaps it would be a good idea to actually leave forms for people to fill out in respect to what we could improve, what they liked the most, etc.  This way our presentation could be used as a means to gather information about our game if we did chose to continue it next semester.

Overall I was happy with how it went, and how we have picked up our game in the last few weeks. Things are really coming together now which is great to see. I can only hope that we can get the AI up and ready before the final presentation day....fingers crossed.

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