Monday 2 April 2012

We have spent much of our time trying to debate a concept, in the end we decided to focus on money. However we found ourselves going around in circles and confusing each other every time we began research. I knew that what we were doing was heading down the wrong track but I thought it would be a strategy of exploring the network more in depth. The problem was that we were too narrow minded with our concept of money, and the network was far too complex to do a video on. We needed to condense our findings down to a point and focus our attention on that aspect.

From the very start of the project we also hinted at wanting to do a video, however I personally wanted to keep our options open for us to explore while researching our network. I felt as though we were all focusing on the final product and jumping ahead rather than developing our idea gradually. However we addressed this issue. I thought about ideas such as exploring the concept of money within video games. Perhaps designing our own currency to be used within a game much like World of Warcraft's "auction house," that uses the games gold in order to trade items. I felt as though money within the real world was too broad of a topic. Looking back I feel as though we should have pushed our boundaries more.

After a talk with Zoe, we were advised to watch a documentary called "The Lift." In this documentary peoples interactions and lives were studied while they went up and down a lift to their apartment block. It was amazing to see how the people change over time as they gradually grew to know the man filming in the lift. You felt a connection to these people and you only saw them once or twice a day. I thought it might be interesting to explore a scene similar to this. Perhaps film within my old work "a dairy in St Heliers" and film interactions between customers to explore the relations generated between the clerk and the buyer.

Another idea I had was to develop a currency system that worked within BCT. I  have had a few issues with the amount of teaching going on and having to learn everything myself. I remember being told in first year that we were chosen for the course based on our skill sets and interests, some people

Another concept was exploring what the world would be like if we did not have a currency. Could it be that money was created because of mankind's selfish nature? Was it necessary to make the world operate the way it does? In changing peoples outlook on life, could we change the need for money? It seemed to me that money had changed the way humans think over time. Gradually we have become more individual rather than unified. People no longer see beauty in the world, they simply see a means to gain profit and to tower over the rest of society. These questions heavily contributed to our final concept of how money affects peoples emotions, behavior and perception of the world around them.

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